George Scott Alexander was born on January 13, 1927 in England.
On May 26, 2009, he began his journey into eternal hunting grounds.
His father was English and his mother was Scottish. He had a twin brother in Australia.
His interests go very far. From native American indians and Japanese philosophy to Asian martial arts. He does not view them as a fighting machine, but as a philosophy of life.
Aircraft construction and silversmith
He worked in the aircraft industry for the first twenty years of his professional life. He later made esoteric jewelery, talismans, amulets, magic props, radionics machines, crystal rods, pendulums, divining rods, orgone boxes, models, dreamcatchers, medicine wheels, rattles, pyramids, Egyptian statues, etc.As versatile as his experiences and responsibilities in the material world were, he saw his role in making people aware of other ways of life and bringing them closer to them so that they could learn to accept them.
forms of therapy
George was a very good and intuitive therapist. He practiced a special form of regression therapy, the "Emonitional Cleansing Therapy". It allows a person to trace their problems back to the roots of the cause.Origin of the MEDICINE MIRROR Cards
He started in 1989 with the first drafts of the cards.As a therapist, he has worked with them ever since and has been able to help many people.
While at first there were only a few handmade sets, we finally succeeded in 2000 to publish the cards along with an accompanying book and thus make it accessible to all interested and help-seeking people.
However, it was very important to George that the cards should not be dusted in bookshelves, but their uniqueness should be understood.
The MEDICINE MIRROR CARDS have changed George's life and there is no reason why many others can not experience this as well.
For over 20 years George came to Germany at regular intervals to present his therapy at seminars and workshops as well as to work in individual sessions with people.